Dear Readers,
One of my desires is to give you helps toward growth in Christ Jesus. The below “Litany of Repentance” is one such resource. This "Litany" is comprehensive in leading people to sincerely "pray and seek [God's] face and turn from [our] wicked ways" (2 Chronicles 7:14b). God's people “turn[ing] from their wicked ways” is a picture of God's people repenting.
What is repentance? It literally means “a change of mind.” [1] Instead of loving sin, we change our minds about it and choose to hate it. Repentance is also defined as “a heartfelt sorrow for sin, a renouncing of it, and a sincere commitment to forsake it, and walk in obedience to Christ.” [2]
When praying for God to work in our nation, we as God's people often use 2 Chronicles 7:14. The whole verse states, “If my people who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” Repentance on our part is essential.
God bless you as you pray.
[1] Merrill F. Unger, Unger's Bible Dictionary (Chicago: Moody Press, 1957), 918.
[2] Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000), 713.
A Litany of Repentance
Eternal God,
As we lift our hearts to you on behalf of those facing hardship, war, and persecution [in your country] this day, we acknowledge our need for your forgiveness.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own love of self and embrace your willingness to sacrifice for others.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own grasping after and holding onto power and embrace your desire to empower others through us.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own readiness to speak loudly out of our own ignorance and be willing to listen, discern and learn from others.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own thoughts of vengeance and embrace your heart of mercy.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own self-righteousness and embrace your humility.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own divisiveness and embrace your call to unity.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own fears and trust confidently in your providence and protection.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own willingness to attach labels to people, to be “respecters of persons” and affirm instead your image and likeness in every person.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own selfishness and be grateful for everything.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own harsh speech and speak instead your words of grace.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own faithlessness and place instead our faith in your provision.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own greed and glorifying of consumption and embrace your generosity.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own complicity with evil and embrace your holiness.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own complacency which says “We’re OK,” and “It’s all good” and devote ourselves instead to advocacy for others (for whom things most clearly are not).
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own anger and embrace your charity.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own prejudice and embrace your openness.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own tendency to selectively present and “spin” truth for our own ends and embrace instead your call to follow the truth, wherever it leads.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own harshness and embrace your gentleness.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own despair and embrace your hope.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own hostility and embrace your ministry of reconciliation.
LORD, in your mercy, grant us grace and strength to turn from our own resentment and offence and instead forgive others, as we embrace your forgiveness of our own sins through the sacrifice of our Master, Jesus.
We pray in his name, and for the sake of his righteous, holy and just reign. May it be manifested quickly in our hearts, in our communities, and in the world, and particularly, we pray in [your country] this day.
Obtained from: https://millpondporch.com/prayer-resources/
Accessed 1/26/2022.
Used with permission.
If my people who are called by my name humble themselves,
and pray and seek my face
and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
(2 Chronicles 7:14)

Copyright by M.G. “Trudy” Granstrom Seward